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Dr. H. Makurira


PhD Water Management & Hydrology (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), MSc in Water & Environmental Resources Management (UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands), Post-graduate Diploma in Water & Environmental Resources Management (UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands), Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Civil Engineering (UZ).

Academic Appointments:


Research Interests:

Water Resources Management, Hydrology, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Resource Modelling and Simulation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Engineering, Water Conservation

Faculty: Engineering And The Built Environment
Department: Civil Engineering
Research Category: Water Management and Hydrology

Phone: +263 242 303211

1. Gumindoga, W., Makurira, H., Phiri, M., and Nhapi, I. 2016. Estimating runoff from ungauged catchments for reservoir water balance in the Lower Middle Zambezi Basin. Water SA Vol. 42 No. 4 October 2016.
2. Tumbare M. J., Makurira H., and Shonhiwa E. K. 2016. An assessment of impacts of climate and/or land use change on selected dam spillway designs in the Mazowe catchment in Zimbabwe. Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET). Volume 3 No. 1
3. Muhonda, P., Mabiza, C., Makurira, H., Kujinga, K., Nhapi, I., Goldin, J., and Mashauri, D. Analysis of Institutional Mechanisms that support community response to impacts of floods in the Middle Zambezi River Basin, Zimbabwe, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, D01:10.1016/jpce.2014.11.013, In press.
4. Makurira, H., and Tumbare, M.J. 2014. Water insecurity in Zimbabwe’s towns and cities: Challenge for institutions. Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET) ISBN9780797460072. In press.
5. Nyikadzino, B., Chibisa, P., and Makurira, H. 2014. Exploring the effectiveness of sustainable water management structures in the Upper Pungwe River Basin. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 67-69. Pages 173-179.
6. Makurira, H., Mapani, B., Mazvimavi, D., Mul, M., and Wepener, V., 2014. Implementing water science research to benefit all. Editorial. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 67-69. Pages 1-3.
7. Bola, G., Mabiza, C., Goldin, J., Kujinga, K., Nhapi, I., Makurira, H., and Mashauri, D., 2014. Coping with droughts and floods: A Case Study of Kanyemba, Mbire District. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 67-69. Pages 180-186.
8. Shumba, S., Makurira, H., Nhapi, I., and Gumindoga, W. 2014. Environmental Impacts of Natural and Man-Made Hydraulic Structures-Case Study Middle Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM). Volume 3, Issue 1. Pp 242 -257.
9. Makurira, H., Mapani, B., Mazvimavi, D., Mul, M.L., Wepener, V., 2013. Putting Science into Practice. Editorial. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 66 (2013) pp 1-3.
10. Makurira, H., Chaplot, V., Mapani, B., Mazvimavi, D., Mul, M.L., Mulwafu, W., Wepener, V., 2012. Harnessing the rivers of knowledge for socio-economic development, climate adaptation & environmental sustainability. Editorial. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 50–52 (2012) pp 1–4.
11. Makurira, H., Mazvimavi, D., Mul, M.L., Mulwafu, W., Senzanje, D. 2011. IWRM for national and regional integration through science, policy and practice. Editorial. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 36, Issues 14-15, Pages 711-714
12. Ncube, S.P., Makurira, H., Kaseke, E., and Mhizha, A.2011. Reservoir operation under variable climate: Case of Rozva Dam, Zimbabwe. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 36, Issues 14-15, Pages1112-1119.
13. Mavima, G., Soropa, G., Makurira, H., and Dzvairo, W., 2011. Sedimentation impacts on reservoir as a result of land use on a selected catchment in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol 3, Issue 8.pp 6599-6608.
14. Tsiko, T.T., Makurira, H., Gerrits, A.M.J., Savenije, H.H.G. 2011. Measuring forest floor and canopy interception in a savannah ecosystem. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, in press.
15. Makurira, H., Savenije, H.H.G., Uhlenbrook, S., Rockström, J., Senzanje, A., (2011). The effect of improved on-farm techniques on maize yields and water productivity in sub-Saharan rainfed agricultural systems. ( 8pp.
16. Enfors, E., Barron, J., Makurira, H., Rockström, J. and Tumbo, S.D., 2010. Yield and soil system changes from conservation tillage in dryland farming: a case study from North Eastern Tanzania Agricultural Water Management, doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.02.013.
17. Mul, M.L., Kemerink, J.S., van der Zaag, P., Vyagusa, F.N., Mshana, M.G., and Makurira, H., 2010. Water allocation practices among smallholder farmers in South Pare Mountains, Tanzania; The issue of scales. Agricultural Water Management, doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.02.014.
18. Makurira, H., H.H.G. Savenije, S. Uhlenbrook, J. Rockström, A. Senzanje, 2009. Investigating the water balance of on-farm techniques for improved crop productivity in rainfed systems: A case study of Makanya catchment, Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Volume 34, Issues 1-2, Pages 93-98.
19. Makurira, H., Savenije, H.H.G., Uhlenbrook, S., 2009. Modelling field scale water partitioning using on-site observations in sub-Saharan rainfed agriculture. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14: 627-638.
20. Makurira, H., M.L. Mul, N.F. Vyagusa, S. Uhlenbrook, H.H.G. Savenije, (2007). Evaluation of community-driven smallholder irrigation in dryland South Pare Mountains, Tanzania: A case study of Manoo micro dam. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007). pp1090–1097.
21. Makurira, H., Savenije, H.H.G., Uhlenbrook, S., Rockström, J., Senzanje, A., Towards a better understanding of water partitioning processes for improved smallholder rainfed agricultural systems: A case study of Makanya catchment, Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007). pp 1082–1089.
22. Mazvimavi, D., Madamombe, E., Makurira, H., 2007. Assessment of environmental flow requirements for river basin planning in Zimbabwe. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007). pp 995-1006.
23. Ndokosho, J., Hoko, Z., Makurira, H., 2007. Assessment of management approaches in a public water utility: A case study of Namibia Water Corporation (NAMWATER) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32 (2007). pp 1300-1309.
24. Mutiro, J., Makurira, H., Senzanje, A., and Mul, M. L., 2006. Water productivity analysis for smallholder rainfed systems: a case study of Makanya catchment, Tanzania. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 31 (2006). pp 901-909.

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