Researcher Profiles

Comprehensive Database of all UZ leading Research and Innovation endeavors

Mr. Clive T. Zimunya

Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, Philosophy...

Qualifications: MA in Philosophy (UZ, 2011),BA Honours in Philosophy (UZ, 2010)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of science, philosophy o...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Joyline Gwara

Senior Lecturer at the department of Philosophy at...

Qualifications: PhD (UKZN 2018), MA (UZ 2011), BA HONS (2009)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: Destiny in Africa, Communitarianism, Freewill and Determinism in African Philoso...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. xdd

Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

Qualifications: Qualifications: PhD History (Rhodes University 2017), MA African History (UZ 2001), MA European Hist...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Peace, Security and Society

Research Interest: military history, gender and conflict, war and society


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Tapiwa Zimudzi

Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

Qualifications: Qualifications: PhD History (Rhodes University 2017), MA African History (UZ 2001), MA European Hist...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Peace, Security and Society

Research Interest: military history, gender and conflict, war and society


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Tapiwa Zimudzi

Senior Lecturer, Lecturer

Qualifications: Qualifications: PhD History (Rhodes University 2017), MA African History (UZ 2001), MA European Hist...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Peace, Security and Society

Research Interest: military history, gender and conflict, war and society


Phone: +263242303211

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Mr. Vincent Chenzi

Qualifications: Master of Arts in War and Strategic Studies (UZ 2019), BA Hons War and Strategic Studies (UZ 2012), ...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Peace, Security and Society

Research Interest: military history, human rights, African politics, digital media and nonviolence....


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Enoch Ndawana

Lecturer Department of Peace & Security, Temporary...

Qualifications: PhD Political Studies (University of Johannesburg), MSc Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution (Z...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Peace and Security

Research Interest: African security, human security, gender and conflict, civil-military relations...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. J. D. McClymont

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: DTh (UNISA), MTh (UNISA), MPhil Classics (UZ), BA 4th year Honours Classics (UZ), Hons BTh (UNISA), ...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: Mythology, Classical Philosophy, Religion, Languages. Classical Languages La...


Phone: +263242303211

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Ms. Sanelisiwe Sayi

Lecturer in the Department of African Languages an...

Qualifications: PhD candidate Wits, MA African language and literarture (UZ), BA Hons Ndebele (UZ

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Lexicography, Literature in indigenous languages


Phone: +263242303211

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Mr. Reggie Marongedze

Lecturer department of African Languages and Liter...

Qualifications: MAFL (UZ) BA Hons, (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Comparative African Literature, Zimbabwean Literature, Oral Literature, Gender ...


Phone: +263242303211

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Ms. Lickel Ndebele

Lecturer department of African Languages and Liter...

Qualifications: PhD candidate, MA African language and literature (UZ), BA Hons. Ndebele (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Oral literature, African philosophy and cultural studies


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. I Munyiswa

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: PhD (University of Stellenbosch), MA in Philosophy (UZ),BA Honours in Philosophy

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: Political Philosophy (Citizenship, Capabilities Approach)


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Munesti Ruzivo

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: DTh (UNISA); MA (UZ) BA Hons (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: History of Christianity in Africa, Christian History and Thought, Interreligious...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Joseph Mujere

Senior lecturer department of History, Heritage an...

Qualifications: BA Gen (2001) History and Archaeology) - University of Zimbabwe ; BA Spec Hons (2003) - History - Un...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: History, Heritage and Indegenous Knowledge Systems.

Research Interest: African History, Migration, Citizenship, Belonging, Mining Histories


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Seke Katsamudanga

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archelogy at ...

Qualifications: DPhil Archaeology (2007) – UZ; BA Spec Hons – Archaeology (2001), - University of Zimbabwe; BA G...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: History, Heritage and Indegenous Knowledge Systems.

Research Interest: Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Management, Environment and Climate Change, GIS, ...


Phone: +263242303211

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Mr. Memory Chirere

Lecturer in African Literature and Creative writin...

Qualifications: BA Hons [UZ, 1993], M.A. [UZ, 1999]

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: The Short Story; Creative Writing; War Literature ...


Phone: +263242303211

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Ms. Ruth Makumbirofa

Lecturer department of Creative Media and Communi...

Qualifications: Dphil Candidate, MA (Wits University), BA (Hons) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Creative Media & Communication

Research Interest: Applied drama; events and theatre management



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Dr. Kenneth Manungo

Lecturer, then Senior lecturer with the department...

Qualifications: PhD (1991)- History - University of Ohio, USA. MA (1982) – History - University of Ohio, USA MA (1...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: History, Heritage and Indegenous Knowledge Systems.

Research Interest: AfricanHistory and Indegenous Knowledge


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Francis Matimbirofa

Senior lecturer in the Department of African Lang...

Qualifications: PhD (UZ), MA (UZ), BA Hons (UZ), Grad. C.E. (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Comparative Bantu linguistic development and lexicography


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Nhira Edgar Mberi

He is currently a Senior lecturer in the Departmen...

Qualifications: PhD (UZ), MA (UZ), BA Hons. (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Language Change, Dialectolog


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Bernard Kusena

Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic Hist...

Qualifications: PhD (Humanities) in History (Rhodes), MA (UZ) Economic History, BA (Hons), Dip.Ed. (UZ), LLBS(UZ) (...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Food Security and Rural Development


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Stanley Tsarwe

Lecturer deparment of Media & Journalism studies

Qualifications: PhD in Journalism and Media Studies [Rhodes, 2016]; M.A in Journalism and Media Studies [Rhodes, 201...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Creative Media & Communication

Research Interest: Online and mobile health interventions; Media, conflict and peace in developing ...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Cathrine Sibanda

Senior lecturer in the Department of Languages an...

Qualifications: DPhil (UNISA) MPhil (UZ),BA Hons Linguistics (UZ),

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Language Acquisition Matters Sociolinguistics Psycholinguistics Language Chan...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Laston Mukaro

Senior lecturer in the Department of Languages an...

Qualifications: PhD-Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Beijing Language and Culture University- China), MPhil- Lin...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Cognitive Linguistics Theoretical Semantics Phonetics Phonology Math...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Joachim Kwaramba

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: PhD (2019) (UP), MA (UZ), BA Hons (UZ)Diploma in Religious Studies (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: Theology and theodicy; practical theology issues, gender and religion, child the...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Obvious Vengeyi

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: PhD (Universitaet Bayreuth, Germany, 2012); MA (UZ 2006); BA Hons (UZ 2004); Dip in Rel Studies (UZ ...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: Land in the Old Testament and in contemporary African societies, Social Justice...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Prof. Gilbert Collin Pwiti

Professor in the department of Archeology at the U...

Qualifications: PhD Archaeology - (1996) - University of Uppsala, MPhil - Archaeology (1985) - Cambridge University,...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Archeology

Research Interest: Spatial Archaeology Cultural Heritage Tourism Farming Communities Heritage Ma...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Noah Pashapa

Senior Lecturer at the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: PhD in Religious Studies (U.Z.) (2005);M.A. in Religious Studies (U.Z.) (1995); B.A. (Hon) in Theolo...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: Old Testament Hebrew, Old Testament Historical-Critical and Social-Scientific St...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Agnes Chiwara

Senior lecturer in the department of Religious Stu...

Qualifications: Dphil (UZ)[MA (UZ ), BA DUAL HONS (UZ )

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: Islamic studies; Religion and Law; Religion and Social Transformation; Religion ...


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Prof. Fanios Mangena

Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Qualifications: DPhil (UZ 2008); MA (UZ 2004); BA Dual Hons (UZ 2002) DiCJo (CCOSA 2005)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: African Philosophy and Ethics, Social Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Philosophy o...


Phone: +263242303211

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Prof. Ezra Chitando

Professor in the department of Religious studies

Qualifications: DPhil (UZ 2001); MA (UZ 1993); BA HONS ( UZ 1991)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: Gender and HIV, Phenomenology of Religion, Religion and Gender, Method and Theor...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Nathaniel Chimhete

Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic Hist...

Qualifications: PhD - History (University of Iowa, USA); MA (African Economic History) (UZ); BA Hons (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Mining history and socio-economic conflicts, The African Alcohol Industry, Afric...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Wesley Mwatwara

Chairman withinin the deaprtment of History & Heri...

Qualifications: PhD History (2014) University of Stellenbosch, MA (2007) – Economic History (UZ) BA Gen, War Studi...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: History & Heritage Studies

Research Interest: Socio-environmental History, Peace building, Governance, conflict studies, Mob...


Phone: +263242303211

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Prof. Gibson Ncube

Professor of French in the department of Language,...

Qualifications: PhD French & Francophone Literature (Stellenbosch University) MPhil French (UZ) BA Hons French (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: French language & Literature


Phone: +263242303211

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Prof. Hebert Mushangwe

Associte Professor & co-Director of the Confucius ...

Qualifications: Ph.D Chinese & Linguistics (2015) (Hebei University) MA Chinese Linguistics & Applied Linguistics (2...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Community development, translation, onomastics, Shona-Chinese comparative resear...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Godfrey Hove

PhD (Stellenbosch) MA (African Economic History) (...

Qualifications: PhD (Stellenbosch) MA (African Economic History) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Environmental and agrarian history of Africa.


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Eric Kushinga Makombe

Lecturer in the department of Economic History

Qualifications: PhD History (2013) (Wits) MA Economic History (2005) UZ BA Hons (2003) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Urban History, Urban-Rural Linkages, Development Discourse, Agrarian History and...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Ivo Mhike

Lecturer in the department of Economic History

Qualifications: PHD (Free State) MA (African Economic History) (UZ) BA (Hons) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Youth and Development - Histories of childhoods and youth; Youth cultures; State...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Pius Nyambara

Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic Hist...

Qualifications: PhD (History) Northwestern University (USA), MA (African Economic History) (UZ), BA (Hons) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Economic history of eastern Africa, Economic and social history of Latin America...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Ushehwedu Kufakurinani

Chairperson in the department of economic history

Qualifications: DPhil African Economic History, MA African Economic History, BA Hons Economic History

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Gender, Natural resource conflicts and governance, Migration, Economic crises an...


Phone: +263242303211

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Prof. Tabona Shoko

Professor within the department of Religious studi...

Qualifications: DPhil (UZ 1994); MA (UZ 1988); BA Dual Hons (UZ 1984)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: African Traditional Religion, African Pentecostalism, Health and Well-being, HI...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Kelvin Chikonzo

Senior Lecturer at the department of Theatre Arts ...

Qualifications: DPhil, MPhil, BA Hons (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Theatre Arts

Research Interest: Identity, resistance studies, performance history, subaltern studies, democracy,...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Rambisai Kandawasvika-Chivandikwa

Lecturer at the department of Languages, lietratu...

Qualifications: DPhil; MPhil; BA (Hons); BA (Gen) (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages, literature & Culture

Research Interest: Translation, Gender and literature and ethnomusicology


Phone: +263 242 303211

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Dr. Patricia Mabugu

Chairperson and Senior lecturer department of Ling...

Qualifications: PhD-Linguistics (University of Edinburgh) - Thesis Title: Polysemy and the Applicative Verb Construc...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Interface of Syntax and Semantics Sociophonetics Language and Gender Language...


Phone: +263303211

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Dr. Victor Mugari

Qualifications: PhD Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 2012 (BLCU; China), MPhil in Linguistics 2008 (UZ), BA Honou...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Morphosyntax, Semantics and Sociolinguistics and Zimbabwean Sign Language


Phone: +263303211

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Prof. Kudzai Biri

University Lecturing, Research and Community Servi...

Qualifications: Dphil. 2013 (University of Zimbabwe) MA 2003 Religious Studies (UZ) BA Religious studies 2001 (UZ)...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Religious Studies

Research Interest: African Pentecostalism, the Bible and the Resilience of Indigenous Cultures


Phone: +491526339592

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Prof. Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga

Professor in the department of Religious studies

Qualifications: DPhil (UZ 2010); MA (UZ 2002); BA HONS ( UZ 2000)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Research Interest: Phenomenology of Religion, Religion and Gender, Gender and Sexuality, Religion, ...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Pauline Chiripanhura

Senior lecturer in the Department of Archelogy at...

Qualifications: DPhil 2019 (University of Cape Town) MPhil (UZ) BA (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Archeology

Research Interest: Archeology, History & Heritage Studies


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Bridget Chinouriri

Senior lecturer in the Department of African Lang...

Qualifications: DPhil Music (University of Pretoria 2014) MA Music (University of Ghana 1998) BA Music (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Indigenous knowledge systems, expressive arts, land, cultural science, politics...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Josephine Muganiwa

Lecturer in Language and literature at the Univers...

Qualifications: DLitt et Phil (English) (Unisa 2019), MA Literature in English (UZ 1999), BA Honours in English (UZ ...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Gender, culture and genres of literature. A passion enhanced by her OSSREA trai...


Phone: +263772317956

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Prof. Ruby Magosvongwe

Professor in the department of English and media s...

Qualifications: DPhil holder in English and Literature, MA in English & Literature (UZ), BA English & Literature (UZ...

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Languages Literature and Culture

Research Interest: Literature and Gender; Literature and Land; African Literature and Development;...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Mark Nyandoro

Senior Lecturer at the department of Economic Hist...

Qualifications: PhD History (UP), MA African Economic History (UZ), BA Sp. Hons (UZ), Grad C.E UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Water irrigation energy climate change land environmental research


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Ushehwedu Kufakurinani


Qualifications: BA Hons Economic History; MA African Economic History; DPhil African Economic History

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Economic History

Research Interest: Gender Natural resource conflicts and governance Migration Economic crises a...


Phone: +263242303211

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Dr. Mickias Musiyiwa

Chairperson and Senior lecturer department of Thea...

Qualifications: PhD (Stellenbosch), MA, BA (Hons), BA (Gen), Grad.C.E (UZ)

Faculty: Arts and Humanities

Department: Theatre Arts

Research Interest: popular music children’s literature gender, sexuality oral literature myth...


Phone: +263242303211

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Research & Innovation

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Dr. 24wetwet

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Agriculture Environment A

Dr. Brenda Muchabveyo.

Social And Behavioural Sc

Mr. Lindani Nkiwane

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