Researcher Profiles

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Dr. Ismail Ticklay


Master of Medicine in Paediatrics(MMed(Paeds) University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences 1994 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) University of Zambia 1982 Bachelor of Science in Human Biology (BScHB) University of Zambia 1978

Academic Appointments:

Senior Lecturer

Research Interests:

Pediatric Diabetes and Asthma

Faculty: Medicine And Health Sciences
Department: Department Primary of Health Child and Adolescent Health Unit
Research Category: Health and Medicine

He was a junior Lecturer up to 01/02/11 and promoted to Senior Lecturer on 01/05/18. He is the
Principal Investigator for ACACIA and CAPPA projects.

Phone: +263777005608

1. Mosler, G., Oyenuga, V., Addo-Yobo, E., Adeyeye, O. O., Masekela, R., Mujuru, H. A., ... & Ticklay, I. (2020). Achieving Control of Asthma in Children in Africa (ACACIA): protocol of an observational study of children’s lung health in six sub-Saharan African countries. BMJ open, 10(3), e035885.

2. Mujuru, H. A., Burnett, E., Nathoo, K. J., Ticklay, I., Gonah, N. A., Mukaratirwa, A., ... & Tate, J. E. (2020). Cost estimates of diarrhea hospitalizations among children< 5 years old in Zimbabwe. Vaccine, 38(43), 6735-6740.

3. Mujuru, H. A., Burnett, E., Nathoo, K. J., Ticklay, I., Gonah, N. A., Mukaratirwa, A., ... & Tate, J. E. (2019). Monovalent rotavirus vaccine effectiveness against rotavirus hospitalizations among children in Zimbabwe. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(8), 1339-1344.

4. Mujuru, H. A., Yen, C., Nathoo, K. J., Gonah, N. A., Ticklay, I., Mukaratirwa, A., ... & Manangazira, P. (2017). Reduction in diarrhea-and rotavirus-related healthcare visits among children< 5 years of age following national rotavirus vaccine introduction in Zimbabwe. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 36(10), 995.

5. Mukaratirwa, A., Berejena, C., Nziramasanga, P., Ticklay, I., Gonah, A., Nathoo, K., ... & Mujuru, H. (2018). Distribution of rotavirus genotypes associated with acute diarrhoea in Zimbabwean children less than five years old before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction. Vaccine, 36(47), 7248-7255. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.03.069

6. Kuona, P., Gadarowski, M. B., Mufukari, W., & Ticklay, I. (2018). Suspected idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis in two children at Parirenyatwa Hospital, Zimbabwe. Central African Journal of Medicine, 64(1-3), 25-27.

7. Mavhu, W., Hatzold, K., Ncube, G., Fernando, S., Mangenah, C., Chatora, K., Ticklay, I, ... & Cowan, F. M. (2017). Unpacking early infant male circumcision decision-making using qualitative findings from Zimbabwe. BMC international health and human rights, 17(1), 1-7.

8. Machingura, P. I., Ticklay, I., Dembah, R., & Richard, F. (2017). Cost of Paediatric Diabetes Mellitus Treatment on Carers of Diabetic Children Attending Three Hospitals Out-Patient Clinics in Zimbabwe. Texila International Journal of Public Health 5(4),

9. Nyazika, T. K., Masanganise, F., Hagen, F., Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M. F., Ticklay, I. M., & Robertson, V. J. (2016). Cryptococcal meningitis presenting as a complication in HIV-infected children: a case series from sub-Saharan Africa. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 35(9), 979.

10. Mavhu, W., Hatzold, K., Ncube, G., Fernando, S., Mangenah, C., Chatora, K., ... & Cowan, F. M. (2016). Perspectives of parents and health care workers on early infant male circumcision conducted using devices: qualitative findings from Harare, Zimbabwe. Global Health: Science and Practice, 4(Supplement 1), S55-S67. DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00200

11. Mangenah, C., Mavhu, W., Hatzold, K., Biddle, A.K., Ncube, G., Mugurungi, O., Ticklay, I., Cowan, F.M. and Thirumurthy, H., (2016). Comparative cost of early infant male circumcision by nurse-midwives and doctors in Zimbabwe. Global Health: Science and Practice, 4(Supplement 1), S68-S75. DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00201

12. Mavhu, W., Larke, N., Hatzold, K., Ncube, G., Weiss, H. A., Mangenah, C., ... & Ticklay, I. (2016). Safety, acceptability, and feasibility of early infant male circumcision conducted by nurse-midwives using the AccuCirc device: results of a field study in Zimbabwe. Global Health: Science and Practice, 4(Supplement 1), S42-S54. DOI: 10.9745/GHSP-D-15-00199

13. Mangenah, C., Mavhu, W., Hatzold, K., Biddle, A.K., Madidi, N., Ncube, G., Mugurungi, O., Ticklay, I., Cowan, F.M. and Thirumurthy, H., (2015). Estimating the cost of early infant male circumcision in Zimbabwe: results from a randomized noninferiority trial of AccuCirc device versus Mogen clamp. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 69(5),560. DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000699

14. Mavhu, W., Larke, N., Hatzold, K., Ncube, G., Weiss, H. A., Mangenah, C., ... & Ticklay, I. (2015). Implementation and operational research: a randomized noninferiority trial of AccuCirc device versus Mogen clamp for early infant male circumcision in Zimbabwe. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 69(5), e156. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000694

15. Chitsike, I., Ndlovu, N., Kuona, P., Nyakabau, A. M., Kadzatsa, W., Ticklay, I., ... & Chokonunga, E. (2014). Childhood cancers in Zimbabwe: a 10-year review of the Zimbabwe National cancer registry data. Central African Journal of Medicine, 60(1), 1-8.

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

ACACIA (Achieving control of Asthma in Children in Africa)
2018-March 2022
CAPPA (Children’s air Pollution profiles in Africa) May 2021- 22
Funder: National Institute of Health Research and Queen Mary University of London

Awards & Achievements:

University of Zimbabwe -10 year Long service award

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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