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Prof. Nyawaranda ,Vitalis


Ph. D. (McGill); M. A; B. A. Hons; B. A. Hons; B. A; Cert Ed. (T1) (UZ)

Academic Appointments:

(Professor of Linguistics, UZ Faculty of Education)

Research Interests:

Classroom Discourse (Linguistics)

Faculty: Education
Department: Languages and Arts Education
Research Category: Education

Born in Tanda, Rusape, on 15 September 1950, Vitalis Nyawaranda attended Kufa and Dangare primary schools; then Sakubva Secondary School in Mutare. He then went to Gweru Teachers’ Collegeto do a T1 teaching course which he completed in 1973. He taught English at Kriste Mambo and Rakodzi High Schools. From Rakodzi, he joined Belvedere Teachers’ College as Lecturer in English. He then joined the University of Zimbabwe on 1 January 1989 where he has taught English for the past 31 years.

Phone: 263 – 0775517253

2.2 Work Published in Anthologies/Books
(a) Taringa, B., Nyawaranda, V; Tatira, L. Rewriting the feminine script: An exploration of women with wings in ChiShona literature prescribed for Ordinary level pupils. In ZJER, vol. 31; no. 1, March, 2019.
(b) Form and Style in Mungoshi’s works. In M.T. Vambe and M. Chirere (eds)(2006). Charles Mungoshi: A critical reader.Harare: Prestige Books, 2007 – 213.
(c) Two poems in And now the Poets Speak (eds.) Zimunya &Kadhani), Mambo Press (1981)
(d) Two poems in Nhetembo (ed) The Literature Bureau, Mambo Press (1972)
(e) Five poems in Gwenyambira (ed) C. Mungoshi, Mambo Press (1979)
(f) One Short Story in Hondo Yechimurenga (ed.) The Literature Bureau), Mambo Press (1982)
(g) One Short Story in Gore Rechitatu by C.J Ngwaru, College Press (1988)
(h) One short Play in KUziva Mbuya Huudzwa Book 1 by G. Matindike, Zimbabwe Educational Books (1980)
(i) One Short Play in Kuziva Mbuya Huudzwa Book 4 by G. Matindike, Zimbabwe Educational Books (1982)
(j) One Comprehension passage in Zambuko Book 4 by H. Chimhundu, College Press (1991)
(k) One Short Story in The Rainbow Flute (ed.) R. Finlayson) Shuter& Shooter (1997)
(l) Two poems in ChakariraChindunduma (ed) M. Zimunya) Mambo Press (1981)
(m) ‘Teaching Literature in English’. In teaching Humanities at Secondary School, edited by Ndawi, O. and Nyawaranda V, (in press)

2.3 Published Papers/Articles
a. Nyawaranda, v. (2014). Qualitative and quantitative paradigms: Intimate lovers or distant cousins? In Zimbabwe Journal of educational Research, vol. 26, number 2, July, 2015
b. Dyanda, C, Makoni, R, Nyawaranda V, Tondhlana, J, Machingaidze, E, Muyambo, G, and Sithole, J. (2006). The Nature of the Comprehensive English Literacy Test of the University of Zimbabwe, (Celtuz-Primary) – Field Edition. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, vol. 18 , no 2, December, 2006, 275 – 286
c. Shumba, O. and Nyawaranda V. (2005). Quality education for social transformation: Methodological perspectives of the Growing Up and Sexual Maturation Project Zimbabwe Journal of Education Research, vol.17, no. 2, July, 2005, 80 – 90.
d. Nyawaranda, V. Doing a qualitative study. The Zimbabwean Bulletin of Teacher Education, Vol. 12, Issue 1, June, 2003, pp. 1 – 16
e. Nyawaranda V. Theoretical inquiry into the teaching of comprehension, International journal of open and distance learning, vol. 1, 2001
f. Nyawaranda, V. The use of the mother tongue (Shona, L1) in Second Language (English, L2) instruction and learning in Zimbabwe: A case for a Common underlying hypothesis, Zimbabwe journal of educational research,vol. 12, No. 1, March 2000.
g. Nyawaranda, V. A proposed model for teacher education in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe bulletin of teacher education,vol. 8, November , 1999.
h. Siyakwazi, P. & Nyawaranda, V. : An investigation of non-graduate student teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards teacher educators’ supervision and assessment of their (students’) classroom teaching. Zimbabwe bulletin of teacher education,vol. 3, September , 1993.
i. Siyakwazi, P. & Nyawaranda, V. Student teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards teaching practice deployment in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe journal of educational research, vol. 5, no 1, March, 1993.
j. Nyawaranda, V. Purposeful writing: Some practical observations. Teachers’ forum, June, 1990
k. Nyawaranda, V. On languages and Learning. Teachers’ forum, September, 1989, vol. 17, no 9,22
l. Nyawaranda, V. Teaching for linguistic and communicative competence. Teachers’ Forum, February, 1988, vol. 16, no. 2, 19 22.
m. Nyawaranda, V. Diglossia and its effects on the teaching of English as a Second Language in Zimbabwe. Teachers’ forum,October, 1988

2.1 Books Published
(a) ChaveChirunguChino,The Literature Bureau (1979)
(b) MwanaWomumusha, The Literature Bureau (1980)
(c) Mira Nowako, Longmans (1982) – “A” Level Set book
(d) Mutunhu Une Mago,Longmans (1985) – “O” Level set book
(e) PaidaMwoyo, College Press (1987) – “A” Level Set book
(f) MombeYaishereketa,College Press (1987)
(g) NdianiAchariimaGura? College Press (1990) – “O” Level Set book
(h) VakaimedzaIchiriKufema,Mambo Press (1990)
(i) BarikaRemashefu, Longmans (1991) University Set book – “A” Level Setbook
(j) The Swinging Graduate,Juta (1995)
(k) Madhiri,The Literature Bureau (1996)
(l) ChakauyaChokumayadhi,The Literature Bureau (1997)
(m) Teaching English in Zimbabwe: Trends and Prospects (in press)
(n) Grade 3 Writing Norms Test: Answer Book, HRRC (2003)
(o) Grade 3 Writing Norms Test:Administration Manual, HRRC (2003)
(p) Grade 6 Writing Norms Test:AnswerBook,HRRC (2003)
(q) Grade 6 Writing Norms Test: Administration Manual,HRRC (2003)
(r) Comprehensive English Literacy Norms for Zimbabwe Primary Schools: Grade 6 Teacher’s Manual
(s) Comprehensive English Literacy Norms for Zimbabwe Primary Schools Phase 1 Report – (Co-Editor)
(t) Ndawi O. and Nyawaranda V. (Editors) Teaching Humanities at Secondary School (in press)

Patented Work:

Published works carry copyrights

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Comprehensive Literacy Project – a three year project on literacy levels in the primary school involving Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda

Awards & Achievements:

Won 5 First Prizes in Creative Work

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

Consultant, Curriculum Development Unit (English); Consultant, English Radio Lessons; Consultant, Literacy in the Primary School (All for the Ministry of Education and Culture)

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Successfully produced 5 Ph. Ds as first supervisor

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

Director, UZ Teaching and Learning Centre (6years); Deputy Chair, UZ Research Board (5 years); Chair, UZ Faculty of Education Research and Innovation Committee; Chair, Teaching of Indigenous Languages Research Group

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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