Researcher Profiles

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Mr. Lawrence Dhliwayo


BSc Hons in Statistics, 1994-1996 (UZ) MSc in Statistics, 1997 - 1998 (UZ) DPhil in Statistics, Pending (UZ)

Academic Appointments:

Temporary full time lecturer

Research Interests:

Time Series Analysis
Econometrics, Statistics

Faculty: Science
Department: Mathematics and Computational Sciences
Research Category: Mathematics & Statistics

Department of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Science, Bindura University of Science Education
Statistician, Lighthouse Chapel International – Accra Ghana: January 2006 to December 2010
Associate Statistician: Head Hunters International – Consulting Services January 2011 to August 2017
Lecturer, Zimbabwe Open University: April 2005 –January 2006
Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe: February 2002 – March 2005
Lecturer, Bindura University: June 1999- January 2002
Part time Lecturer, Zimbabwe Open University – August 1999 – Nov 2006
Assistant Lecturer: University of Zimbabwe, Sept 1997 – May 1999

Phone: +263777930198

1. Zvawanda, I., Govere, W.D., Chisiri, B, & Dhliwayo, L. (2021). Application of Queuing Theory in Mapping out the Potential for an Effective Coordination of Inbound Tobacco Transportation in Developing Country: Harare – Zimbabwe. American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 11, No. 3. doi:10.30845/aijcr.v11n3p1
2. Dhliwayo, L., Matarise, F., & Chimedza, C. (2020). Modeling Seasonal Fractionally Integrated Autoregressive Moving Average-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Model with Seasonal Level Shift Intervention. Open Journal of Statistics, 10(05), 810. DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2020.105047
3. Dhliwayo, L., Matarise, F., & Chimedza, C. (2020). Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model with level shift intervention. Open Journal of Statistics, 10(02), 341. DOI: 10.4236/ojs.2020.102023
4. Matarise, F., Dhliwayo, L., Nduna, I. S., Maposa, I. & Siziba, L. (2012). Detecting Level Shifts, Temporary Changes and Innovational Outliers in Intervention Analysis. International Journal of Statistics and Systems. ISSN 0973-2675 Volume 7, Number 3 (2012), pp. 241–254 © Research India Publications.
5. Nyaumwe, L. Bappoo, R. & Dhliwayo, L. (2009) Pre and In-service Teachers Perception on the value of using hand-held Technology in Mathematics Courses. ZJER

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

I have written the following modules for Zimbabwe Open University:

1. L. Dhliwayo and E. Keogh (2002), Module STD301 ‘Survey Techniques’ BSC Mathematics and Statistics: Zimbabwe Open University.
2. L. Dhliwayo, K. Mutsonziwa and C. Chimedza (2002), Module STD 304 ‘Time Series Analysis’ BSC Mathematics and Statistics: Zimbabwe Open University
3. L. Dhliwayo and F. Matarise (2003), Module STD401, ‘Econometrics’ BSC Mathematics and Statistics: Zimbabwe Open University
4. L. Dhliwayo, K. Mutsonziwa and C. Chimedza (2005), Workbook STD 103 ‘Statistical Inference’ BSC Mathematics and Statistics: Zimbabwe Open University

Research Experience:
1. Principal Statistician – Head Hunters International – Consulting Services: January 2011 to August 2017.
2. National – Wide Scientific Survey of the Constitution of Zimbabwe January 2000. Participated as one of the principal researchers. Scientific Survey was designed to complement the public meetings and hearings conducted by the constitution commission.
3. Southerton Center for Energy and Environment (NGO): Research Assistant: Nov 1996 – Sept 1997.
4. United Nations Crime Survey in the City of Harare July 1995 – January 1996: Researcher
Quality Assurance Officer at Saltrama Plastex March 1996

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):


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