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Prof. Vupenyu Dzingirai


Academic Appointments:


Research Interests:

Health and Life skills, Sexual Reproductive Health Life

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Community and Social Development
Research Category: Behavioral Sciences

Professor Dzingirai teaches Modules in MSc Socio-Ecological Systems and Development Practice. He teaches Modules which include Fortress Conservation and Community Development, Tools for Ecological Monitoring and Sociology of the Environment. Professor Dzingirai continues to mentor doctoral and MPhil candidates both locally and externally. He has also examined post graduate candidates in the region. Together with other colleagues, Professor Dzingirai continues to mobilise resources to support students pursuing PhD studies. He has a current grant with Andrew Mellon Foundation.


Phone: + 263 772 312 512

Refereed Journals
1. Dzingirai, V., Bett, B., Bukachi, S., Lawson, E., Mangwanya, L., Scoones, I., ... & Winnebah, T. (2017). Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa. Critical Public Health, 27(1), 97-110.
2. Dzingirai V. (2015). Moving interdisciplinary science forward: integrating participatory modelling with mathematical modelling of zoonotic disease in Africa. Infectious Disease Journal, 13(2).Available :
3. Tagutanazvo, E. M., Dzingirai, V., Mapedza, E., & Van Koppen, B. (2015). Gender dynamics in water governance institutions: the case of Gwanda's Guyu-Chelesa Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe. wH2O: Journal of Gender and Water.4 (01), 55-64.
4. Manzungu, E., Mangwanya, L., & Dzingirai, V. (2012). Can collective action lead to sustainable outcomes in the provision and management of domestic water in Zimbabwean urban areas?. Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(5), 65-75.
5. Manzungu, E., Dzingirai, V., Ncube, P., & Rosen, T. (2012). The Relevance and Applicability of Performance Indicators in the Limpopo River Basin in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Social Development in Africa, 7(1), 39-66.
6. Manzungu, E., & Dzingirai, V. (2012). Towards Empowered Stakeholder Participation in Water Resource Management in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 27(1), 85-109.
7. Dzingirai, V. (2009). The impact of political crisis on natural resources: a case study of Zimbabwe. Africa Insight, 39 (3), 24-37.
8. Dzingirai, V., Mashava, R., & Shayamano, A. (2009). Resisting new concepts: Incoorporating of community-based conservation. Zimbabwe Journal of Education, 21 (1), 15-25.
9. Dzingirai, V. (2005). Interest persistent nella tutel ambienntale: il caso del programma CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe. Africa Oriente, 7 (2), 67-81.
10. Dzingirai, V. (2003). The New Scramble for the African Countryside. Journal of Development and Change, 24 (2), 243-265.
11. Dzingirai, V. (2003). There is no place for Ndebele in CAMPFIRE: The Conflict over Land in the Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe. Journal of Southern African Studies, 29 (2), 445-461.
12. Dzingirai, V. (2000). Migration and the future of CAMPFIRE in the Zambezi Valley. Commons Southern Africa, 2 (1), 15-16.
13. Dzingirai, V. (1999). Land Reform and Community-based natural resources Management programme in Southern Africa. Common Property Digest, 51, 1-4.
14. Dzingirai, V. (1999). This good land is not for elephants’ Poverty, Migration and Development in Binga. Journal of Social Sciences, 3(4), 265-271.
15. Dzingirai, V., & Bourdillon, M.F.C. (1998). Religious ritual and political control in Binga district, Zimbabwe. African Anthropology, 10 (7), 526-567.
16. Dzingirai, V. (1994). Politics and ideology in human settlement: getting started in Sikomena area of Chief Dobola, Binga. Zambezia, 21(2), 176-176.
17. Dzingirai, V. (1996). Every man must settle where they want: The politics of settlement in the context of Communal Area Management Programme for Indigenous Resources CAMPFIRE. Zambezia, 23 (2), 19-30.
18. Dzingirai, V., & Madzudzo, E. (1995). Big Men in CAMPFIRE: A comparative study of the role of ethnicity on CAMPFIRE. Zambezia, 24(2), 25-42.
19. Dzingirai, V. (2010). Social groups and livelihoods. Southern Africa Land and Agrarian Network, 1 (4), 6-8.

Books Chapters
1. Andersson, J. A., Dzingirai, V., & Cumming, D. H. M. (2010). TFCAs and the invisible peoples: People at wildlife frontiers in Southern Africa Transfrontier Conservation Areas People Living on the Edge. In J. A. Andersson, M. De Garine_Witchatitsky, D.Cumming, V. Dzingirai, & K. Giller (Eds.), Transfrontier conservation areas (pp. 12-24). London: Routledge.
2. Dzingirai, V. & Breen, C. (2005). The community-based natural resources management crisis and the research issue. In V. Dzingirai, & C. M. Breen (Eds.), Confronting the crisis in community conservation: Case studies from southern Africa. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development.
3. Dzingirai, V. (2005). Key perspectives in the CBNRM crisis in southern Africa. In V. Dzingirai, & C. Breen (Eds.), Confronting the Crisis in Community Conservation: Case Studies from Southern Africa (pp.308 – 313). University of KwaZulu Natal, Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development.
4. Dzingirai, V. (2004). The culture of giving and its relationship to saving. In: H. Lonte & O. Hospes, (Eds.), Livelihood and Microfinance: Anthropological and Sociological Perspective on savings and Debt. Amsterdam: Eburon Academic Publishers.
5. Dzingirai, V. (2003). Resettlement and contract farming in Zimbabwe. In M. J. Roth, & F. Gonese, (Eds.), Delivering land and securing rural livelihoods: Post independence land reform in Zimbabwe. Center for Applied Social Sciences Trust, University of Zimbabwe and Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin Madison
6. Dzingirai, V., Manzungu, E., & Nyamwanza, O. (2014). The Fast-Track Land Reform Programme Impacts on the Environment & Agriculture. In E.V. Masunungure & J.M. Sumba (Eds.), Zimbabwe: Mired in Transition (pp. 283 - ). Harare: Weaver.
7. Dzingirai, V. (1992). Cultural manipulation and legitimation, the case of Zimbabwe. In J. Hunter, & C. Lombard (Eds.), Multiparty Democracy, Civil society and Economic Transformation in Southern Africa. Windoek: University of Namibia.
Book Reviews
1. Dzingirai, V. (1992). Cultural manipulation and legitimation, the case of Zimbabwe. In Hunter, J., and Lombard, C. (1992). Multiparty Democracy, Civil society and Economic Transformation in Southern Africa. Windoek: University of Namibia
2. Dzingirai, V. (2004). The culture of giving and its relationship to saving. In Lonte, H., and Hospes, O. (Eds.). Livelihood and Microfinance: Anthropological and Sociological Perspective on savings and Debt. Amsterdam: Eburon Academic Publishers.
3. Dzingirai, V. (2003). Resettlement and contract farming in Zimbabwe Delivering Land and Securing Rural Livelihoods. In M. Roth & F. Gones (Eds.). Centre for Applied Social Sciences Trust, University of Zimbabwe and Land Tenure Centre, University of Wisconsin-Madison
4. Dzingirai, V. & Breen, C. (2005). The community-based natural resources management crisis and the research issue. In V. Dzingirai & C. Breen (Eds) (2005). Confronting the Crisis in Community Conservation: Case Studies from Southern Africa, CEAD, University of KwaZulu Natal, 1-9.
5. Dzingirai, V. (2005). Key perspectives in the CBNRM crisis in southern Africa. In V. Dzingirai, & C. Breen (Eds). Confronting the Crisis in Community Conservation: Case Studies from Southern Africa (pp. 308 – 313). University of KwaZulu Natal, Center for Environment, Agriculture and Development,
6. Andersson, J. A., Dzingirai, V., & Cumming, D. H. M (2010). TFCAs and the invisible peoples: People at wildlife frontiers in Southern Africa Transfrontier Conservation Areas People Living on the Edge. In Andersson, J.A., De Garine_Witchatitsky, M., Cumming, D., Dzingirai, V., and Giller, K. London: Earthscan.
7. Manzungu, E., Mangwanya, L., & Dzingirai, V. (2012). Can Collective Action Lead to Sustainable Outcomes in the Provision and Management of Domestic Water in Zimbabwean Urban Areas? Journal of Sustainable Social Development in Africa, 5.
8. Dzingirai, V., Manzungu, E. & Nyamwanza, O. (2005). The Fast-track Land Reform Programme Impacts on the Environment
9. Manzungu, E., Dzingirai, V., Ncube, P., & Rosen, T. (2012). The Relevance and Applicability of Performance Indicators in the Limpopo River Basin in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Social Development in Africa, 7(1), 39-66.
10. Manzungu, E., & Dzingirai, V. (2012). Towards Empowered Stakeholder Participation in Water Resource Management in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Development in Africa, 27 (1).

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