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Eng. Mabunda, Elisha C.


MSc. Communication Engineering, Pr Eng( ECZ), MZweI, City and Guilds FTC Telecommunications, Member Computer Society of Zimbabwe (CSZ) Consultant, Cisco Instructor.

Academic Appointments:

Director, CCEE.

Research Interests:

Digital Electronics, Telecommunications.

Faculty: Engineering And The Built Environment
Department: Electrical Engineering
Research Category: ICT

Worked at Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, as a Controller, in Engineering Studios in 1979 to 2001. Also worked at Matech Electronics Engineering specializing in Installation, Maintenance and repairs Computer systems from 2001 to 2003. Currently working in the department of Electrical Engineering, as a lecturer. In addition to teaching he carries out research as part of requirement for the position, and also sits in a number of committees as part of University community service. He is currently the chairman of the Faculty of Engineering timetable committee, member of the Royal Academy Engineering Project implementation Committee and a member of the faculty Regulations Committee. He has a total of 11 years of University teaching experience during which he has supervised more than seventy student projects and has published several papers and journals.

Phone: +263773 214 757

[1] Mr. Mutepfe CDK, Eng. Elisha Mabunda, Eng. Kapungu G; Robust outage prevention model for an unmanned Ariel Vehicle on a predefined area- International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Engineering(IOSRJEN).

[2] Elisha Mabunda1, Mr. Mutepfe CDK; Microcontroller Based Model Design of a Train Collision Avoidance System - International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN).

[3] Elisha Mabunda; User friendly tobacco barn heat controller for use by upcoming farmers- International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN).

[4] Elisha Mabunda; Non-destructive approach to crocodile eggs harvesting – IOR Journal of Engineering.

[5] Elisha Mabunda; Underground water prospecting in Rural Settings-International Journal of Computational engineering research (IJCER)

[6] Nyemba W. R., Hoko Z., Chikuku T., Mabunda E., (2015), Towards Capacity Building and Sustainability in Engineering Education in Southern Africa, Proceedings of the 5th Engineers Without Borders Conference – “Engineering Knowledge Creation, Sharing and Collaboration”, hosted by the Engineering Institution of Zambia in collaboration with Southern African Federation of Engineering Organizations, 30th April – 1st May 2015, Livingstone, Zambia, 161-170, ISBN 978-9982-70-144-0

[7] Chikuku Tauyanashe 1, Hoko Zvikomborero 2, and Mabunda Elisha 3 Industrial Secondment as a Tool to Enrich Engineering Education in Southern Africa Proceedings of the 5th Engineers Without Borders Conference – “Engineering Knowledge Creation, Sharing and Collaboration”, hosted by the Engineering Institution of Zambia in collaboration with Southern African Federation of Engineering Organizations, 30th April – 1st May 2015, Livingstone, Zambia, 161-170, ISBN 978-9982-70-144-0

[8] Chikuku Tauyanashe 1, Hoko Zvikomborero 2, and Mabunda Elisha Industrial Secondment as a Tool to Enrich Engineering Education in Southern Africa Proceedings of the 5th Engineers Without Borders Conference – “Engineering Knowledge Creation, Sharing and Collaboration”, hosted by the Engineering Institution of Zambia in collaboration with Southern African Federation of Engineering Organisations, 30th April – 1st May 2015, Livingstone, Zambia, 161-170, ISBN 978-9982-70-144-0

[9] Mabunda1 Elisha, Marume S. 2 Improvement of Safety on the Sam Nujoma Street Extension. (Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology 2016). In conducting the study, traffic and accident statistics were obtained from the Harare City Council and the Zimbabwe Republic Police. Site visits were conducted and extensive consultations were made with the relevant parties. The final solution requires the installation of an automatic sensor-based Traffic lights control system.

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