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Dr. Naomi N. Wekwete


: Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Population Research, University of Exeter, England, 2002; Masters in Population Studies, University of Zimbabwe; Bachelor’s in Economics, University of Zimbabwe

Academic Appointments:

Senior Lecturer

Research Interests:

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health; Fertility; Morbidity and Mortality; Migration; Gender-Based Violence; Gender and Population; and, Gender and Economic Development.

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences
Department: Demography Settlement and Development
Research Category: Population Studies

Dr. Naomi Wekwete has over 20 years experience in conducting policy-oriented research. Research interests include reproductive health issues, HIV/AIDS. She has vast experience in conducting project and programme evaluations and reviews. She has consulted widely for various ministries, UN agencies and other international and non-governmental organisations. She has several publications. She is a member of OSSREA, UAPS and local networks in Zimbabwe.

Phone: +263 772 523 918

Journal Articles
1. Karumazondo, J., Wekwete, N., & Zanamwe, L. (2022). Social Scars: The Impact of Out-Migration on the Livelihoods of Families Left behind in Macheke Farming Community. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10,435-448.
2. Hatendi, C.M, Wekwete, N. N., & Mangena, F. (2019. The Advertising of Modern Contraceptives: Some Gender Implications for Women in Jahanne Marange Apostolic Church in Zimbabwe. Zambezia, 46(2), 151-163.
3. Musizvingoza, R., & Wekwete, N.N. (2018). Factors Facilitating Risky Sexual Behaviour among Youths in Mufakose. African Population Studies, 2(1), 3903-3916.
4. Wekwete, N.N. (2014). Gender and Economic Empowerment in Africa: Evidence and Policy Issues. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). Journal of African Economies, 23 (Supp_1), 87-127.
5. Wekwete, N.N., Sanhokwe, H., Murenjekwa, W., Takavarasha, F., & Madzingira N. (2014). The Association between Spousal Gender Based Violence and Women’s Empowerment among Currently Married Women aged 15-49 in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the 2010-11 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey. African Population Studies, 28(3), 1413-1431.
6. Wekwete, N.N. & Manyeruke, C. (2012). Strengthening Research Capacity in Africa: Gender, sexuality and politics with a strategic focus on the lives of young women. Feminist Africa, 17, 91-101.
7. Wekwete, N.N. & Madzingira, N., (2009). Girls’ Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: The case of Murehwa District, Zimbabwe, African Population Studies, Supplement Addition to 23, 27-44.
8. Wekwete, N.N. (1995). Population and the Environment in Zimbabwe: The Case of Rural Households. Southern African Journal of Demography, 5(1), 60-64.
9. Wekwete, N.N. (1995). Population and the Environment in Zimbabwe: The Case of Rural Households. Southern African Journal of Demography, 5(1),60-64.
10. Maya, R.S. & Wekwete, N.N. (1989). Issues and Prospects for Coal Utilization in Zimbabwe's Rural Households. IDS Research Paper Series, No. 1.
11. Wekwete, N.N. (1989). Introducing Systems Dynamics in National Planning. ZIDS Working Paper.

1. Wekwete, N.N. & Mangombe, K. (2022). Causes of Death and the Double Burden of Disease in Africa: Evidence from the sub-Saharan Africa. In C. Odimwegu & Y. Adewoyin (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of African Demography. Routledge.
2. Mangombe, K., Wekwete, N., Milanzi, A., Musizvingoza, R., & Lwanga, C. (2021). Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity among Women Aged 15-49 Years in Zimbabwe: Evidence from the 2005/6, 2010/11 and 2015 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95909
3. Nduna, M., Mkwananzi, S., Wekwete, N.N., & Makongoza, M. (2020). Contextualizing the Many Faces of Domestic Violence: A focus on the global South. In F.M. Cheung & D.F. Harpen. (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women. Cambridge University Press.
4. Wekwete, N.N., Rusakaniko, S. & Zimbizi, G. (2016). National Adolescent Fertility Study. Harare: Ministry of Health and Child Care.
5. Gwavuya, S., Murendo, C., Wekwete, N.N., & Takavarasha, F. (2014). Maternal Iron and Vitamin A Supplementation and the Nutritional Status of Children in the 2010-11 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey. Zimbabwe Working Papers, No. 10., Further Analysis of the Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Surveys, Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF International.
6. Wekwete, N.N. (2013). Challenges of Young Mothers Living with HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe. In E.F. Wangulu (Ed.). Towards an HIV-free Generation: Addressing sexual and reproductive health needs of young people and women. (pp. 91-100). Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), South Africa.
7. Wekwete, N.N. (2010). Adolescent Pregnancy Challenges in the Era of HIV and AIDS: A Case Study of a Selected Rural Area in Zimbabwe. Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
8. Wekwete, N.N., Jokomo, Z. & Masuko, L., (2008). The Impact of HIV and AIDS on the Mining Sector in Zimbabwe: The Case of a Gold-Mining Company. Research Brief No. 14/2008. Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA.
9. Wekwete, N.N. & Madzingira, N. (2008). The HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa - An Impact and Response Assessment: The Case of Zimbabwe. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: OSSREA.
10. Wekwete, N.N. & Madzingira, N. (2008). Adolescent Girls’ Susceptibility and Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: The Case of Murehwa District, Zimbabwe. In OSSREA (Ed.). The HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa - An Impact and Response Assessment: The Case of Zimbabwe. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: OSSREA.
11. Chizororo, M., Wekwete, N., & Matshaka, M. (1999). Family Influences on Zimbabwean Women’s Reproductive Decisions and their Participation in the Wider Society, Harare, Zimbabwe: Institute of Development Studies, University of Zimbabwe.
12. Wekwete, N. (1998). Implications of Economic Structural Adjustment Programme on Population and Environment: The Case of Shamva District. In L. Masuko (Ed.). Economic Policy Reforms and Meso-Scale Rural Market Changes in Zimbabwe: The Case of Shamva District. Harare: University of Zimbabwe, IDS.
13. Wekwete, N.N. (1998). Implications of Economic Structural Adjustment Program on Population and Environment: The Case of Shamva District. In L. Masuko (Ed.). Economic Policy Reforms and Meso-Scale Rural Market Changes in Zimbabwe: The Case of Shamva, (p. 3-53). Harare: Institute of Development Studies.
14. Francis-Chizororo, M., Wekwete, N.N., & Matshaka, M. (1998). Family Planning, Women’s Participation in Development: The mediating effects of gender. In M. Mhloyi (ed.). Women’s Participation in Development–The Role of Family Planning, (pp. 71-89). Harare:Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
15. Meekers, D. & Wekwete, N.N. (1997). The Socio-Economic and Demographic Situation of Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Further Analysis. Calverton, Maryland: Macro International.
16. Wekwete, N.N. (1994). Status of Fertility in Zimbabwe. In W. Muhwava (Ed.). The Demography of Zimbabwe: Some Research Findings (pp.1-27). Harare: Earthware Publishing Services.

Conferences Papers Presented

1. Wekwete, N.N. (2022, July 13) Migration Data in Zimbabwe.[Paper presentation]. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Monomotapa Hotel, Harare.
2. Wekwete, N.N. (2020, August 19). Research to Policy.[Paper presentation]. 2nd Annual PAN African College on Sustainable Cities Fellows Workshop, Zoom.
3. Wekwete, N.N. (2020, July 29). Gender-Based Violence under Lockdown in Zimbabwe. [Paper presentation]. Gender-based Violence under Covid-19 Lockdown: Reflections from South Africa and Zimbabwe, Webinar.
4. Wekwete, N.N. (2020, January 19-22). Migration Data Availability and Quality in Zimbabwe: Innovative ways of data collection or estimation. [Paper presentation]. International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS), Cairo, Egypt.
5. Wekwete, N.N. (2017, March 17). Gender and the Care Economy in Southern Africa. [Paper presentation]. Commission for the Status of Women (CSW) Conference, New York, USA.
6. Wekwete, N.N. (2018, April 12-15). Young Women’s Leadership (YWL) History: An introductory of the history. [Paper presentation]. YWL Regional Workshop on Transforming Women’s Lives: Looking to the Future, Johannesburg, South Africa.
7. Wekwete, N.N. (2017, July 26). Child Marriages in Zimbabwe: Associated Factors. [Paper presentation]. University of Zimbabwe Research Week, University of Zimbabwe,
8. Wekwete, N.N. (2015, March 23-26). Methodological Challenges of Producing Data on International Migration. [Paper presentation]. ZIMSTAT User-Producer Workshop, Troutberg Inn, Nyanga, Zimbabwe.
9. Wekwete, N.N. (2012, December 2-5). Gender and Economic Empowerment in Africa: Evidence and Policies. [Paper presentation]. The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Biannual Conference, Arusha, Tanzania.
10. Wekwete, N.N. (2010, September 7-10). Mapping the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Female Students at the University of Zimbabwe. [Paper presentation]. Strengthening Research Capacity in Africa: Gender, Sexuality and Politics with a Strategic focus on the Lives of Young Women, African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
11. Wekwete, N.N. (2010, March 8). Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. [Paper presentation] The International Women’s Day Commemoration, Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe.
12. Wekwete, N.N. (2009, February 12). Gender, Macro-Economics and the Liberalisation of the Economy. [Paper presentation]. Gender, Macroeconomics and Trade GAD Talk, Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre, Harare.
13. Wekwete, N.N. (2008, December 1-2). Review of the National Population Policy and Identification of Emerging Population Issues in Zimbabwe. [Paper presentation]. Review of the 2008 National Population Workshop. Troutbeck Inn, Nyanga, Zimbabwe.
14. Wekwete, N.N. (2008, June 3-4). Girls’ Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: The Case of Murehwa District. Paper presentation]. Seminar organised as a follow-up to the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) – Arusha Conference. Organised by the Department of Social Development, South Africa. The Lord Charles Hotel, Western Cape Province, South Africa,
15. Wekwete, N.N. (2008, June 16-17). Impact of HIV and AIDS on the Mining Sector in Zimbabwe: The Case of Gold Mining Company.[Paper presentation]. The Social Sciences and HIV and AIDS: A Research Policy Conference. Organised by CODESRIA. Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire,
16. Wekwete, N.N. (2007, December 10-14). Girls Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: The Case of Murehwa District. [Paper presentation]. Fifth African Population Conference on Emerging Issues on Population and Development in Africa, Arusha International Conference Centre, Arusha, Tanzania.
17. Wekwete, N.N. (2007, November 2). Gender and Macro-Economics. [Paper presentation]. Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop for Government of Zimbabwe Gender Focal Units, Holiday Inn, Mutare, Zimbabwe.
18. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, November 30 – December 1). Adolescent Pregnancy Challenges in the Era of HIV and AIDS: Lessons Learnt through Lived Experiences in Zimbabwe’s Selected Rural Area. [Paper presentation]. OSSREA Sabbatical Grant Programme Workshop, Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
19. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, November 20-22). Impact and Consequences of HIV and AIDS on the Mining Sector in Zimbabwe: The Case of Gold Mining Company. [Paper presentation]. International Conference on the Social Sciences and HIV/AIDS in Africa: New Insights and Policy Perspectives, United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
20. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, June 5). Gender, Economy and the Media - Business Women and the Media: friends or foes? [Paper presentation]. Gender and Media Zimbabwe (GEMZI) Workshop. Bronte Hotel, Harare.
21. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, May 4). Gender and the Macro-Economics: Women Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe. [Paper presentation]. Workshop for Female Entrepreneurs, co-ordinated by EKOWISA, Funded by UNIFEM, Crown Plaza Monomotapa Hotel, Harare.
22. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, March 10-11). Gender, Health and Reproductive Health – sub-theme for the 2006 Zimbabwe Human Development Report. 2003 Zimbabwe Human Development Report Methodology Workshop. Kadoma Ranch Motel, Zimbabwe
23. Wekwete, N.N. (2006, November 20-22). Girls’ Susceptibility and Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: The case of a rural area in Zimbabwe. International Conference on The Social Sciences and HIV/AIDS in Africa: New Insights and Policy Perspectives, United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
24. Wekwete, N.N. (2005, December 6-9). Girls Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: Research Findings of Murehwa Study. ICASA Satellite Workshop, Abuja, Nigeria..
25. Wekwete, N.N. (2005, August 2). Gender and Macro-Economics: A national perspective. Gender and Macro-Economics Workshop, SARDC, Harare,
26. Wekwete, N.N. (2004, September 27-30). Gender, Food Security and Poverty in Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Gender Perspectives in Macro-economics for Understanding and Eradicating Feminized Poverty in Southern Africa, Holiday Inn, Harare.
27. Wekwete, N.N. (2002, September 22-25). Demographic Characteristics and HIV/AIDS Impact. Paper presented at the 2002 Colloquium of the Southern African Political Economy Series (SAPES) Trust on: HIV/AIDS and Socio-Economic Development in Southern Africa, Sheraton Hotel, Harare.
28. Wekwete, N.N. (1997, July 21-26) Population Issues in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Fourth African-American Summit, Harare International Conference Centre, Harare.
29. Wekwete, N.N. (1996, May 12-16). Southern African Cities and Sustainable Development. Paper presented at the Seminar to Select Associates for COHORT 5 LEAD Southern Africa, SIRDC Offices, Hatcliffe, and Harare.
30. Wekwete, N.N. (1989, February). Zimbabwe's Economic Performance: Major Problems and Constraints. [Paper presentation]. UNESCO Sponsored Training Workshop for Young Economists
31. Wekwete, N.N. (1987, October). User Perspective on the Relevance of CSO Data to Socio-Economic Research. [Paper presentation]. Producers and Users of Statistics Workshop, Harare.

Patented Work:

Grants & Funding (current and Past projects):

Awards & Achievements:

Consultancy and advisory work (current and past):

1. Maponga, O. & Wekwete N.N. (1990). Technology of Women and Generating Institutions in Zimbabwe. Consultancy report.

Supervision information (MPhil, DPhil, etc.):

1. External examiner of PhD/DPhil Theses and Master’s Dissertations for University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, University of Namibia (2018-2022), University of Johannesburg ,(2018-2022).

Professional membership, Committees, Boards:

1. Board member Research Council of Zimbabwe, 1 February 2021 to date
2. Board Chairman Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), 1 November 2020 to date.
3. Member of the New City Project May 2021 to date
4. Member of the Organizing Team of the University of Zimbabwe Research Week 2017, 2019, 2021
5. Member of the 2022 Research, Innovation and Industrialization Research Week Secretariat
6. Chairman Quality Assurance Committee, University of Zimbabwe Research Week, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022
7. Member of the Tugwi Mukosi Project Consortium, 2020-2022
8. Member of the UZ Research Board, 2019-2020
9. Coordinator, Department Students’ Attachment, 2018 to present.
10. Coordinator, Bachelor of Science Honours Population Science and Applied Demography.
11. Chairman, Demography Settlement and Development (DSD) Industrialisation Committee.
12. DSD Higher Degrees and Research and Innovation Committee Member, 2020 to date.
13. DSD Time Table Selection and Attachment Committee Member, 2020 to date.
14. DSD Curriculum and Policy Development and Quality Assurance Committee Member, 2020 .to date.
15. DSD Community Outreach Committee Member 2020 to date.
16. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science Programming Champion, 2020.
17. UZ Representative of the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Commission, 2017-2020.
18. Member of the Inter-Ministerial Technical Census Committee (ITCC), Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), 2012 -2020.
19. Member of Council of Women’s University in Africa (WUA) – Jan 2011 - Dec 2016.
20. Member of the Editorial Board of the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Journal: Humanities in the Global South. September, 2018 - present.
21. Member of the University of Zimbabwe Research Board, 2018-2019.
22. Member of the Editorial Board for the Southern African Journal of Demography (SAJD), 2014 - 2019.
23. Member, Advocacy, Marketing and Communication Technical Working Group, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) ,2014 – 2020.
24. Reviewer of proposals, the African Economic Research Consortium, 2005-2014.
25. Chairman, Zimbabwe Gender Budgeting Network (ZBGN), 2007- 2015.
26. Chairman Institute of Development Studies, 1996 -1997.
27. Board Member, Bumhudzo Old People’s Home, 1995-1997.

External Profile Links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, other social media links):

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