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Dr. W. Matamande


B.Acc (UZ), MBA (UZ), PhD (UZ)

Academic Appointments:

Chairperson - Department of Accountancy

Research Interests:

Public Sector Accountability, Accounting and Finance

Faculty: Business Management Sciences And Economics
Department: Accountancy
Research Category: Accounting

Phone: +263-4-303211 extension 13043

Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, Taderera E (2013), Determinants of student’s academic performance in four selected accounting courses at University of Zimbabwe. Journal of Higher Education Journal.
Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, Taderera E (2013), Exploring management strategies to reduce cheating in written examinations: A case study of Midlands State University Journal of Case Studies in Education.
Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, Taderera E (2013), Corporate social responsibility in the Tourism Sector: The case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics.
Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, (2011), An Evaluation of the Economic Performance of Cooperative Marketing among smallholder Farmers: A case of Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe, Zambezia Volume 38, No2.
Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, Taderera E (2013), An investigation of the effectiveness of work related learning: A case of the industrial attachment program offered by the faculty of commerce, University of Zimbabwe, Journal of Instructional Pedagogies.
Mandimika E., Nyikahadzoi L, Matamande W, Taderera E (2013), The effectiveness of internal controls in revenue management. A case study of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) (2011-2012), Journal of Case Research in Business Economics.

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