Researcher Profiles

Comprehensive Database of all UZ leading Research and Innovation endeavors

Dr. Zvakanyorwa Wilbert Sadomba

Senior Lecturer

Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Agrarian Development (TAD), Wageningen University and Researc...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Department of Community and Social Development

Research Interest: Pioneering the new field of Southern Africa’s Hard Sciences including Maths, C...


Phone: +263 772 99 63 72

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Dr. Manase Kudzai Chiweshe

Senior Lecturer

Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Rhodes University,2012; Masters of Science in Sociology and Soci...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Social and Community Development

Research Interest: Sociology of everyday life in Africa spaces focusing on livelihoods, agrarian st...



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Dr. Edmore Tarambiwa


Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy Business (Knowledge management and Knowledge management systems, Vaal Universit...

Faculty: Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications

Department: Analytics and Informatics

Research Interest: Knowledge management and Knowledge management systems Earth observation Enviro...


Phone: +263-242303211 Ext. 15073

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Mr. Polite Kanduro


Qualifications: Master’s degree in Software Engineering Technology, Zimbabwe National Defence University

Faculty: Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications

Department: Analytics and Informatics

Research Interest: Natural Language Processing Cybersecurity Digital Identity Management Securit...


Phone: +263-242303211 Ext. 15073

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Mr. Benard Mapako


Qualifications: Masters in Computer Science, University of Zimbabwe

Faculty: Computer Engineering Informatics and Communications

Department: Computer Science

Research Interest: Networking Security Complex networks


Phone: +263242303211 ext15073

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Research & Innovation

Comprehensive Database of all UZ leading Research and Innovation endeavors

Latest Profiles

Mr. adsas

Agriculture Environment A

Dr. 24wetwet

Agriculture Environment A

Advocate. denemee

Agriculture Environment A

Dr. Brenda Muchabveyo.

Social And Behavioural Sc

Mr. Lindani Nkiwane

Agriculture Environment A

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