Researcher Profiles

Comprehensive Database of all UZ leading Research and Innovation endeavors

Dr. Tinotenda Chidhawu


Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies, University of Western Cape(SA); Master in Public Admini...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Governance and Public Administration

Research Interest: Socio-economic rights and human rights law, public policy and governance.


Phone: +263 712 304 835 / +263 712 392 040 / +263 772 396 763

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Dr. Vongai P Mangwiro

Qualifications: Doctor of Philosophyin Social work, Fort Hare University, 2020. Masters of Social Science in Social ...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Social Work

Research Interest: Mental health, children and adults in conflict with law, disability, drug and su...


Phone: +263773128702 or +263716857704

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Ms. Princess M Moyo


Qualifications: Master of Social Work Degree, University of Zimbabwe. Honours Degree in Social Work, Social Work, Un...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Social Work

Research Interest: Gender issues, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Social Development.


Phone: +263 771 364 627 / +263 717 489 922

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Mr. Philemon Chihiya


Qualifications: Master of Social Work Degree, University of Zimbabwe. Honours Degree in Social Work, University of Z...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Social Work

Research Interest: Social protection, Social Development, Disability issues and Indigenisation of S...


Phone: +263 777 990 566/+263 713 739 002

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Mr. Cedric E Bhala


Qualifications: Master of Social Work Degree, University of Zimbabwe. Bachelor of Science Honors Degree in Social Wo...

Faculty: Social And Behavioural Sciences

Department: Social Work

Research Interest: Child protection, social protection, Spirituality in Social Work, and Indigenisa...


Phone: +263771565665

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Research & Innovation

Comprehensive Database of all UZ leading Research and Innovation endeavors

Latest Profiles

Mr. adsas

Agriculture Environment A

Dr. 24wetwet

Agriculture Environment A

Advocate. denemee

Agriculture Environment A

Dr. Brenda Muchabveyo.

Social And Behavioural Sc

Mr. Lindani Nkiwane

Agriculture Environment A

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